Why Freelance Jobs are Low Paying.
There are a lot of organizations, institutions and individuals who have work that they want done on a freelance basis. In fact, go to any freelance website or a website that helps people get a freelancer, you will be exhausted by just going through the amount of work that is available. But as you deeper and deeper into the website, you will see that the freelance jobs that you are looking for are being paid a pittance. In fact, there may even be some jobs available on freelance sites that are very lucrative, but you are put off by the pay that the freelance job is offering. Of course, there are some reasons that are behind freelance jobs being so inexpensive. Here are some of them.
Most are Experiments for the Employer: I have worked with many employers who either hire freelance for their personal projects, and have a small budget to start with, or at least they try to hire others on a lower budget, so that it is easier for them to cut their losses and grin and bear it.Basically, the project that you are working on is an 'experiment that they are doing' or 'something that they are doing in their spare time', or very rarely, 'it is a hobby of mine, and I want to find out whether I can make some money out of it'. With this being the scenario, you might find it very difficult to get a fat paying freelance job.
Most Freelance Jobs are Outsourced Jobs: Freelancing was not as hot a few decades ago as it is today. That is simply because the world was a closed economy and the business organizations all over the world did not know that their dollar or euro or whatever has a lot more value in other countries. Due to this, you will see jobs from the UK or the US being outsourced to India in the corporate world. There have been cases where companies in the UK, US, Australia,etc have directly interacted with freelancers all over the world, and they offer prices that are much less than what they would pay to have them done in their own countries.
Most Freelance Jobs are actually Non Critical Jobs: Most freelance jobs are such that the company or the organization can live without. Like if its a data entry job that is offered, it would make little or no difference to the company if it is not done,all of it is just a matter of due diligence or following the business plan to the T. This simple reason gives the businesses a chance to have a leverage when it comes to paying power and the freelancer. Buoyed by this, the companies begin looking for the most economic freelancer that they might get, and this is from where the ante goes down.
This does not mean that all the freelance jobs available are low paying. There have been many instances where a freelancer has had only one freelance job and it has been enough to keep them financially secure. Mostly, it just about the time that you spend working with your employer.