Getting that Freelance Job: Some Aspects to Keep in Mind
Once you have decided to become a freelancer, your work day consists of several activities that are different from the actual work that you ought to be doing. With a freelance job, you are basically the sales person, the worker, the boss and the human resources, all rolled into one, unless you work with a team of freelancers. One such activity that we all have to look into in our time as a freelancer is getting that freelance job. There are several ways in which you can get freelance jobs, the main amongst them being your own network, the various sites on the Internet, and several other sources. If you are looking for freelance jobs, here are some aspects to keep in mind.
Keep a Profile Ready: Freelancing means that you work on an assignment, and move on. Therefore, you would have to show your credentials and previous work for every freelance job work that you have applied for. Therefore, make sure that you have an offline as well as online profile, so that the prospective employer can get a better idea of your capabilities.
Keep Interacting: Once you have applied for a freelance job, try to keep in touch with the employer, of course, that does not mean that you should bombard their inbox with email, but you can at least keep a two week window between sending them a friendly or a reminder email. In such cases, thank you emails work the trick a lot.
Keep in Touch: If you had applied for the freelance job, but was given to someone else, do not fret and keep networking with the employer. there are every chances that the employer may hit you up for the next freelance gig that they have in mind. In fact, networking is the greatest and strongest tool that one can have in the realms of freelancing.
Keep Applying: No freelancer writer has ever got the first gig that they applied for easily. If you do not get the first gig, do not lose heart and keep applying for other freelance jobs. Sooner or later, you will hit paydirt!