Home Office: Software Requirements
Working as a freelancer and working from home is more often than not one and the same. When you are working from home, there are chances that you might be having a telecommuting position with a company and therefore are an employee of the company. If you are someone who takes assignments from various clients and works with one or more employers on a consultancy basis, you are not employed with any of them, but are just working on a 'work for hire' position.Though the two concepts may be different, the requirements will be the same. Here are some of the software requirements of a Home Office:
Word Processor: Provided that you have a compute in working order, you would require a word processing software. Word processing software is quite important for any office, even the home office, because the Word Processor software helps you in creating all the documents that you would need in a typical work day. Whether they are letters, reports, presentations or even email - a word processor can do it all. There are several word processors available in the market, with some of the open source word processors available for free.
Open Office is a open source word processor that has risen in fame since the past few years. It is a direct option if you do not wish to use any of the mainstream products for your word processing needs.
Accounting Software: Freelancing is a business, therefore it is evident that there will be some monetary transactions on which one has to keep their eye on. This calls for an accounting software,or else come tax day sand you will not know what happened with all your money. Having a tax software or an accounting software does not mean that you have done away with the accountant. The accounting software will just allow your expenses and earnings to be presented in a practical and systematic manner to the accountant when the right time comes.
Like word processing, there are some open source accounting software that are available. One has to be a bit careful while using accounting software because these software are according to the country that one is in.
TurboCash is one such Open source Accounting Software.
Anti virus/Malware: If you are working in a profession where the computers are the central force, you simply cannot afford to have a computer that has been clunking along with virus and malware. To prevent any damage to the computer at a later stage, you should ensure that the computer has a good antivirus system and malware system installed in it. There are some free antivirus software that are available, but they are only for home use.
Avira Anti Virus is a free anti virus that is quite popular.
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